Sunday, October 23, 2011

Occupy Everything!

You all didn't think I'd let the Occupy protests get off without a comment did you?

Here in Chicago you have a group of protesters who are protesting the corporate greed and influence on our government. I agree with them in concept. You also have people who are protesting the Tea Party, I'm okay with that, it is their right. Then you have people who are protesting just about everything you can think up, gay rights, student loan forgiveness, legalizing marijuana, racial harmony, I've seen it all, and again I don't have a problem with this.

What have I not seen at these protests? I have not seen one anti-Obama sign, not one. It made me think just who is behind this Occupy Movement? (Occupy by the way is a horrendous name for this movement one of the very definitions of occupy is "to take possession of or control a place as in a military invasion, not very non-violent sounding there)

Let's take a little lookie into just who is at these protests
SEIU - The Service Employees International Union, per CBS news the SEIU PAC spent $27 Million on Obama's first campaign.They also backed him in 2004 for Senate. Is that a little like a corporation influencing a government entity? You decide.

Jordan Farrar - The leader of the Young Communist League, what else has Mr. Farrar done in his life? Oh yes that's right I remember he is a member of Obama's Organizing for America group, ANOTHER Obama tie? Let's see who else is behind this...

Lisa Fithian, who is Lisa Fithian? You remember those riots in Seattle a decade or so ago? Yes that was her group who led that protest, she's also behind Cindy Sheehan's antics. What does she have to say about protesting? Well here is a quote right from her mouth "I have no issue with property destruction. I think sometimes it’s appropriate, sometimes it’s not. Again, I look at it strategically. Does this help us or does it hurt us? Does it help us achieve our goal, or does it not? We’re in a society where property is idolized, so a lot of people don’t get it yet that it doesn’t really matter. It’s just glass or products." That's right Chicago Lisa doesn't care if a building gets destroyed if it helps her cause. Fithian started in the 1970's working with Abbie Hoffman, she has advocated violence in the past. Most recently during the 2008 elections at the Republican National Convention. There were two radical left wing protesters who were turned in by one of their own and arrested for the planned Molotov Cocktail bombings at the convention. Fithian when asked about the arrests supported the arrested and condemned as a traitor the member who turned them in (people they planned to throw fire onto other human beings and she supported them). Who is Fithian affiliated with? Not Obama directly silly! She is a self described SEIU Commander who trains protesters on how to protest for the group. Fithian tied to SEIU who is tied to Obama.

Folks I'm just scratching the surface here, it's all right there for you to google. I have given about an hour to two hours of research for this article, it's not really all that hard to peel away the layers of the onion to get to the core. Now am I suggesting that our President is behind all these protests? As much as it would make me a genius to uncover that fact, I can not say that he is, nor do I think he is. I do think people around him are though.

The name George Soros keeps popping up as a possible financier for the movement but proof of it keeps coming up empty. Reuter's did publish a story where he did finance Adbusters a group that is credited for being one of the designers of the OWS movement, but it ends there. Soros is a huge supporter of the Democratic party and Obama in general, it is interesting to note that you can go on the Internet and find that SEIU spent 27 million dollars on Obama in 2008 but a search of how much money Soros spent is not available, must mean he knows how to hide what he does with his money. Possibly even fund protest groups...

Is the Occupy movement a tool of the Democratic party, I would hope it is not any more that the Tea Party is for the Republican. Are the protests of the Occupy movement valid? Hard to say because as of right now it is a jumbled mass of requests, as I said before on the main points I can get behind some of them but some of the others, please, a living wage? You want to get paid for living? By whom?

In parting a few things I would like to point out to the protesters, the real ones, not the professionals who are only there for their own egos, the real ones who want to make a difference.

1. Stand strong, while I might not agree with you, the fact that you are an American gives you the right to protest which is why this country is so great.
2. Do not get caught up in the moment, antagonists are within your ranks and they could care less if you take the heat for a bad situation, in fact they hope you do so they can get camera time for themselves.
3. If the police tell you it is time to go somewhere else, then please do that, you can continue the protest tomorrow, or at your house or a friends house that same night.
4. If you do get a chance to "Occupy" the streets en mass do it responsibly, if you hear a siren move aside! That ambulance is not trying to trick you, it's trying to save a life.

As always God bless this country

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