Saturday, June 25, 2011

Mongo Want Choo-Choo?

What is wrong with America? I have a list but let's start with the little news story above. Yes I am linking you to the evil Fox news empire so if you can't bear to read the story I'll summarize. Californians want a train to go really fast from Frisco to Diego. It will cost the tax payers 45 Billion to do this. Some people not happy about that, but ignore them and press on. Choo-Choo must go into a bird sanctuary...

Hold on a darn minute! In a move very similar to the plot of Blazing Saddles the tracks have hit their quicksand and that quicksand is in the form of a bird. Or several birds.

Mongo! What should we do?

Um... Make Choo-Choo go around?

Of course! Mongo you are a genius! And where will we go around? The village of Rock Ridge.. er no, those farms over there! We will run the trains straight through their property lines the cattle grazing there are not going to be affected by a bullet train flying through every so often! Thise farmers have to come to the realization that their business and family income are in no way more important than the safety of grebes, fulvous whistling ducks and black crowned night herons. The birds are much much more important.                                                                                                                                      

This is what is wrong in this country we start enormously expensive projects without planning them out first, no one thought ahead and realized the sanctuary was in the way? No one planned that there might be a protest for the poor birds? Then once the cat gets let out of the bag that this bird sanctuary (which by the way a little birdy told me used to be the largest fresh water lake west of the Great Lakes until we humans drained it for irregation) is in danger we plow ahead and tell farmers they must suffer for the betterment of the train riders. Why not just not build the train and pocket 45 Billion in a cash strapped state? Just a thought...

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