Monday, June 27, 2011

Them Presidential candidates!

So Michele Bachmann has declared her campaign, and I thought to myself, I should learn more about her, and so should all of you. That is another of my pet peeves of voters in my generation, and to a lesser extend the previous. We vote on character traits, pop culture, looks or party lines.

When Barak Obama was running for president I saw all the bumper stickers and the happy looks on the supporters faces. When I would ask them just what Obama was going to do differently I would get this answer "Change! He's going to change it all!" I would then ask "Change what?" The answer from there would differ depending on what the person was most concerned about, the economy, the war, the government, the treatment of green scaled turtles in Bora Bora, etc. Let's face it Obama ran an outstanding campaign, the "Change" motto was brilliant, it reached out to everyone and played to them. I was unconvinced, so I looked more at Obama, more at what he had done in his past political life. Or should I say the lack of his political life. See I really could care less if Barak had a white mother and a black father, it doesn't bother me that his preacher spouted off about America. The Bill Ayers thing did bother me slightly. What did bother me was his lack of seasoning as a legislator. Being a democrat in an Illinois senate isn't all that hard, it's like being a Mason and going to a Masonic lodge. His election to Illinois Senator could have given him some seasoning dealing with both parties and seeing different was of doing things. That didn't really happen as Mr. Obama was busy on the campaign trail for most of his Senatorial life. As a legislator in the Senate his sponsored bills continually failed. His first piece of legislative work of his that he was the primary sponsor of was the Democratic Republic of Congo relief, security and democracy act, which was signed into law by then President George Bush, who was known for his work in Africa, so this wasn't a hard hitting piece of political genius.

Still people flocked to the polls and voted for the "anointed one". The night of the election I heard joyful shouts from his side yelling things like "Obama is going to find me a job" to "Obama will get you people." to "Obama is going to get me a new pair of teeth!" Seriously this is what I heard, no not on television, but from rejoicers in the street.

Years into the Obama presidency, I find myself much in the same place I was before, there hasn't been all that much change. I also wonder if Obama personally found that person a job, or got that  other person her new teeth. I certainly do not think I have been a target of President Obama, so if he's going to "get" me I will not see it coming. I remember telling people as a citizen of Chicago my biggest problem with Obama as president was the potential for bringing Chicago style politics to the world.
Look what happened to Blago after he brought Chicago Style politics to the State level, that didn't work out too well for him. Look what happened when Mayor Daley decided not to run, Obama's right hand man gets the nod, Chicago politics are alive on a nationwide scale, watch yourself Nebraska!

In a future thread I will be posting the particulars of candidates, I will attempt to be as neutral as I possibly can. I think that it is important that people can be informed with their selection and need the proper info they can get.

While I'm thinking of it, if you have even more free time head on over to for a look at the canditates as they stand right now.

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