Thursday, June 23, 2011

A view from the inside out... the story of JFled

Yesterday a friend of mine asked me "What do you think about what Jody did?" Of course to me that could only mean Jody P. Weis former superintendent of the Chicago Police Department. You see only a few days ago this story surfaced

Yes folks the former superintendent of Chicago cashed in his unused vacation days to a tune of $76,308! This is after working for only three years on the job. Oh yes that contract also paid him $310,000 per year. Prior to the Jody's tenure at CPD the salary for the Superintendant was I believe, somewhere in the neighborhood of $185,000 per year or an increase of about 67.5% to that salary. Now after taking that money from the hands of the tax payers of the city he hits them up again for another $76,308!

The uninformed public out there probably are asking why the hate? According to published stats Chicago underwent historic reductions in crime under Jody's tenure, maybe he was worth $1,006,308 for his 3 years. Let's give you all some insight from the inside looking out (Hey that matches my title pretty cool how that works!)

The CPD was scandal "ridden" at the end of Phil Cline's time as superintendent these scandals included the well published video of a drunken copper that pretty much had no friends on the job due to the fact he was an idiot beating a bartender. There was also the SOS scandal, a rogue group of police officers charged with taking money from drug dealers and pocketing it themselves, it was a story very close to the plot lines of the television show "The Shield". Cline stepped down and Mayor Shortshanks, er Daley brought in an outsider to police the police, he hired a Fed.

Welcome to the era of "Jfed" as he was intially dubbed from the inside. His first few months in the spot were riddled with questionable moves, a lot of muscle poses from the Jodster to look tough, a lot of meeting with south and west side "reverends" to gain him street cred. Jody brought in a friend of his from the Fed side to help him out and then did the unthinkable, he put on our uniform without ever, attending the academy, walking a beat, making a traffic stop, facing any kind of danger. It was an insult to anyone on the job, for the most part though we took it, looking for a fresh start.

The Cozzi incident came next. William Cozzi was made famous in the news for hitting a handcuffed man in a wheelchair which was caught on security tape. Jfed saw this tape and immediately sent the video to his Fed buddies looking for possible prosecution on civil rights violations. He said he was "horrified" by what he saw. Here is where a view from the inside provides a little clarity to you on the outside. William Cozzi was working alone that day, all alone. Now I'm not sure if he was there to do a report, or possibly as the officer guarding that man in a wheelchair who was handcuffed, I don't know that part of the story. The guy in the wheelchair was drunk, out of control and security for the hospital couldn't handle him, Cozzi helped. Now understand a person handcuffed is decidedly less of a threat to a person's safety but not completely safe, you can still be kicked, scratched, spat upon, bitten, headbutted, etc. The actions Cozzi chose that day, I may not have chosen, but then again I may have I can't speculate that fact because I wasn't there and in that situation. The big part of what stank from Jfed's prosecution of Cozzi was that Cozzi ALREADY had been prosecuted, in state court he pled guilty to a misdemeanor battery, recieved his sentence, served it out, went to all the court appointed anger management session and a settlement was given out to a life long criminal, or in this case the "victim" in the wheelchair. Cozzi went somewhere in the neighborhood of 18 months in a no pay status with the police but then got his job back after serving his sentence. It was after all of this Jody came in, and prosecuted Cozzi to set an example. Cozzi to this day still sits in a Federal Prison in Oakdale Louisiana, away from his family, all for defending himself when he felt threatened. That sent a message to the rank and file "Step ever so slightly out of line and I will prosecute you to the max."

Interestingly Jody was made a statement after the sentencing of Cozzi that he didn't intend for such a long sentence to be given to Cozzi he just was asking his Fed buddies for "guidance" on the issue and they took the investigation themselves. Jody already learning to lie? Jody spent the next couple of months touting "Integrity" to all of us, and that he "had our backs" we all thought of Cozzi. What if we had to put our hands on someone to protect ourselves and there was a video that maybe didn't show the whole incident? Would my wife have to visit me in federal prison too? My son? Is it worth it to put myself in that position? Most working coppers, stopped working, or slowed down to a crawl.

The ever evolving of Jody P Weis evolved into his last CPD nickname on a morning after a shooting on the southside. Jfed giving a news conference in the area, gun shots ring out in the background from a few blocks away. Jody looks stupidly into the camera blinking his beady eyes, one of his aide whispers in his ears shots had just been fired in the area, Jfed looks at the reporter and mutters the fateful words "Gotta run!" gets in his car, complete with police driver and returns to headquarters. He later says because he was doing a camera shoot he didn't have his police gear and was returning to headquarters to get it, then the story changes several other times. The era of JFled begins.

Just to be clear to everyone unfamiliar to the police department, if that were me and I didn't have my "gear" while working, I would face discipline up to a suspension. If that were me, hearing gunshots and driving away from the scene, with video footage to support that fact I could potentially be stripped of my police powers, and could definately be fired for "cowirdace". A retired police sergeant alertly files a complaint with the Independant Police Review Authority, a civilian review board for cowardice and cites the video proof. You guessed it, Mr. Integrity himself is untouched by an investigation as it is swept under the rug.

Finally getting back to those low crime stat numbers, a policy was unofficially started with CPD, it was nothing really new, just refined under JFled. If you have a dead body and no offender classify it as a "death investigation" not a "Homicide". See homicides are tracked, the more your city has the worse you look. Death investigations are not followed because they are not criminal in nature. Have a person shot 6 times and no one "saw nothin'"? Death investigation not homicide. Husband stabbed 10 times and wife says "I dunno?" Death investigation not homicide. You see we can always arrest a person later and charge them with murder if the investigation reveals it to have been a homicide so why sully our cities reputation by adding to the homicide stats? Chicago underwent a monumental reduction in the Homicide rate due to this policy. Meanwhile the South and West sides became more and more violent everyday because proactive policing had stopped because working coppers had slowed down. Read the breaking news sights every morning and see how many are shot nightly and start adding up the numbers... go ahead I'll wait....

Yep they don't work with the reported numbers from the police department. This is known even by Jfled's fed buddies because they will not use CPD's numbers in their crime stats they publish because they know our numbers are B.S. The same can be said with reclassifying robberies as the lower class, a theft. The numbers are being cooked folks!

So Jody basically comes to the end of his contract and says he'd like to stay. The new mayor Rahm, in a move I actually like, tells him to go pack his bags. Jody puts his mega condo on the market, pets his pet cats and broods as his contract runs out. Now he is trying to get a head job at that same Independent Police Review Authority, you know the one that swept his investigation under the rug, and fill it with his brand of "Integrity" while hitting all of us taxpayers with a new $76,308 bill for his vacation days. Oh yeah, read the article, he was the one to change the policy to allow him to carry over those vacation days, was never done before, but Mr. "Integrity" obviously had an exit strategy and knew he was going to be cashing in those days and hitting us with that bill.

IN THIS WRITERS OPINION WHAT JFLED HAS DONE AMOUNTS TO CRIMINAL CONDUCT! If this is the kind of integrity that the FBI (Jody's old job) teaches they can have their integrity, we were better off the old way with hard working coppers doing their job and a few bad apple doing their thing that eventually they will get caught doing and punished for.

Jfled go away and pet your pussy, Chicago will be better without you!

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