Sunday, July 31, 2011

Closing the borders...

Immigration, it's a hot topic lately. From Luis Gutierrez getting himself arrested protesting immigration reform at the White House. The DREAM Act. Border disputes. And Federal Border Agents being prosecuted for actions they had to take. This is a hard topic to deal with. What do we do with all the illegal immigrants already here? The liberal line of thinking is generally towards amnesty. The conservative is more in line with prison time and deportation. I want to get away from that and focus more on why closing the border is a good thing. And when I say border, I'm not omitting Canada's border either. What we have here is a potential for disaster for this country. When the amnesty people speak of illegal immigrants they always want you to think of people like this...

hard working day laborers. The work cheap, do the jobs that most Americans do want to, what could be bad about these people? They just came here to build a better life for their families. The work hard. All of these things I say to everyone reading are predominantly true. They should be, anytime someone has a point to get across they fill it with smaller details of the argument, all mostly true and irrefutable. What is missing from this equation?

They came here illegally.

Let's suppose for a minute someone from Russia snuck on board a cargo ship, and somehow made their way to America, when they got here, they didn't ask for asylum, they didn't go through any of the correct channels for citizenship, they didn't tell anyone, just assumed an identity and went to work. Now let's say they get caught, what are we to do with this person from Russia, our one time enemy? Do we deport them? I would say in almost every case the answer would be yes, and it would be based on our distrust and potential threat from Russia.

Not enough for you?

Let's now make that same person from Iraq, Iran, or Afghanistan. Do you think that person should be deported? Do you think they might get charged with some kind of violation of the immigration laws and held? I would say 99.9% of the time this would and should happen. If some one's life is so horrible in a place there are proper channels to go through, even for the ones who come into the country illegally, when you bypass these channels you need to pay the price because you should not be trusted. You didn't adhere to our immigration laws, respect our policies, you disregarded everything that you came here to be protected by.

You see the thing that the amnesty people are not telling you, and only a few of the lockem up and deport them people are whispering is there is a real threat from Mexico to the United States. No it's not those day laborers. You see every day along with those day laborers are guys who come out of Mexico like these guys

and these guys

Mexican cartel gangs like Los Zetas have ties to not only drugs and weapons, but current intelligence shows they are also funded and trained by extremest radical Muslims. The training camps for some of these gangs are literally minutes by car away from some American towns. I hope that got your attention.

You see there is nothing more that the "radical Muslims" would like than to strike again into the heart of America and cause chaos. What a better way than to enter a country close to the United States, that has an open border, train people in terror tactics and send them on their way, into a country they can easily enter and blend? This is true for Canada to an extent but not as much so as in Mexico. Brutal drug lords, brutal slayings, gangs such as Los Zetas are gaining footholds in America as this article states

It's not just Los Zetas we have to be concerned with either, Mara Salvatrucha, Sinaloa Cartel, are just a few. All of these gangs have access to not only common weapons but more advanced weapons, and chemicals. Sinaloa has become famous for using acid on it's enemies. These are dangerous times and dangerous times are times we need to enforce our laws not ignore them or change them to make people happy.

Those day laborer pictured above, you know the illegal immigrant ones, I really could care less if they turn themselves in, pass an intense background screening and go through the legal process to become a citizen and add to the tax base instead of skirting around it, if they stay here. The ones who do not go through this process should be immediately deported back to their countries of origin. A border fence, a real one that is effective needs to be built to keep us safe. Yes I know here is another guy who uses terrorism for everything.

Well if using the potential threat of terrorism wakes up enough people to do the things that will keep us safe, then count me in. Sitting around trying to make nice nice with everyone will not work with these driven people who hate our country for what it stands for.

1 comment:

  1. Your point about the Canadian border is ABSOLUTELY spot on -- it is from there that Israelis, or Middle Eastern Extremists, or IRA assassin teams, or whatever are most likely to gain access to the USA shores.

    And again, you are right - as long as you are going to have on the books laws which distinguish between illegal and legal immigrants, you must enforce them (unless there are political reasons for not - in which case, you CHANGE THE DAMN LAW!)
