Wednesday, July 13, 2011

First Amendment - Religion

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Things bother me, I'm human so I expect it, this blog is to help me get the demons out. One thing that has bothered me for the past few years has been this notion that you can not place a statue of Jesus at a city hall, you can't say the Pledge at a public school because the word "God" is in it. You can't place religious symbols anywhere that the government controls. This bothers me. Looking back at the first paragraph, directly from the First Amendment of this country we see exactly what it says. "congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"

Does anyone see a line I'm missing anywhere? Is there invisible ink that I can read that says the President can not put up a religious item in front of the house he lives at? Does it say somewhere that the Capitol Building will burst into flames if a Senator wishes to say a quick prayer to their God before trying to pass a law? Is there a hidden page that has banned these things?

No, there is not.

The founders of this country were some fairly smart people, they wrote this Amendment with the intention to give people the freedom to speak and practice religion as they choose, or not to if they so choose. The not establishing a religion by congress was in direct response to England's government run Anglican Church. They didn't want the government telling you and me who to worship because they chose to. They wanted the people to choose for themselves. That is all this Amendment means, it gives freedom, not take it away.

Let me be real clear here, I do not think any one person, or group of people has the right to force you to celebrate Christmas or Kwanzaa or Ramadan. What I do believe though is we should all be mature about this. If the public school system thinks it is a good idea to recite the Pledge of Allegiance before class, as I think it should, then they should do that. If you, as a parent, or your child in the class has a problem with the word "God" you should have the right to not speak that part - with no penalty whatsoever. That is freedom of religion, what to practice or what not to. Some people have issues with what "God" they are referring to, that's a bunch of bull in my opinion. We all worship our own "God" when you say that word you mean your "God" be it "God" "Allah" "Jehovah" "Odin" "Money". You are saying it, it is what it means to you, if you believe in nothing, then say nothing. No big deal.

Now I read this today

So this guy, a Texas Governor who might run for president, wants to lead a day of prayer, he's INVITED other Americans to join him, and this group sues him for a First Amendment violation of Church and State.

Excuse me? Where is the violation? Did he mandate that all Americans must stand up and pray with him to his God? No, he did not, he INVITED people to join him, no one is forcing anyone else to pray if they do not wish to, it's your choice America pray if you want, if not don't why waste money on a stupid lawsuit. I would be totally on the plaintiffs side if it were mandatory, even if it were the religion I practice. The thing is I could care less if a Wiccan High Priestess goes on television and wants every one to worship her favorite tree, I can watch, or turn the channel... freedom is still in my hands.

The freedom is still yours America, let's do what we can to help stop clogging our court system with stupid lawsuits and live our lives free.

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