Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Media slant in police shootings?

I'm reading my morning papers, I peruse the Chicago Slum Times and am greeted with this

this picture along with an article stating that the police shot a boy of 13, the parents of the boy dispute it. The picture is meant to make you feel for this poor boy. The police state they received a call of shots fired and were investigating, this 13 year old ran from the police. The police then state he was carrying a  gun and refused to drop it so they were forced to shoot him in fear of being shot by an offender who was not complying. The gun turned out to be a BB gun. Sad on the face of it, but you can understand that when faced with a weapon that looks like it can kill you and a person who will not drop it, in an area where shots have recently been fired there can really be only one proper response to end that threat if you are armed.

Of course now the parents of this child have gone on record that he was a good kid, not into gangs, drugs, he was a straight A, B student (I always thought you could be a straight A, or straight B student, if you are getting different grades it's hard to be straight). He liked to laugh and joke and pick flowers for the ladies on the block (ok I made that last one up). His mother even went so far as to say he did not own a gun, she knew that. The media also went out of it's way to report that his CPS teachers showed up in horror that this little gift from above was now shot because he was such a great kid, these same teachers refused to give their names because they were not "authorized" to. The Slum Times did put the police version of the story but glorified the other side, I understand, controversy sells papers. What did the Chicago Sun Times miss?? Um... Let's see... Oh yeah

Yep, there is the little angel throwing up his favorite gang signs, and no they are not angel wings. You see I get parents being upset with their child being shot, be it by the police or anyone else. I live in daily fear that my child is okay, which is why I set rules for him. One of those rules is to not be on the street at 11P.M. when away from me, ever. Even if he's at a sleep over if the kids want to run around after dark my kid better have not left that house. Never in a million years, if I lived in the middle of a war zone (see my thread HOW SAFE IS CHICAGO), would I let my kid out of the house at 11 P.M. to go to a party in the park, these parents should be charged with child endangerment not paraded around like the victims of something!

As far as his mother knowing for a fact that he didn't own a gun, really? You mean you are the only parent on earth whose child doesn't lie to them? Even if he didn't own a gun it is common when one gang member shoots a gun to hand it off to the "pee-wees" in the gang and for them to run away with the gun if the police show up. The gang members understand the system, be an adult carry a gun go to big bad prison, be a juvenile carry a gun go, maybe, to the Audy home for awhile.

Who knows, maybe this kid is a great guy who is fascinated with gang life and got caught up in a bad life decision. That is possible, I won't deny it. What is tragic is that these so called parents who let their child run the streets at 11 P.M. with who know what kind of people are getting a sympathetic by-line from a major newspaper. Do some checking into the backgrounds of these angels before you question the integrity of the Chicago Police Department Chicago Slum Times!

The people over at Second City Cop posted this picture

This is the BB Gun that was recovered at the scene. Does it look real to you? If it were pointed at you would you feel like your life was being threatened? From what I understand, and I can not confirm at this time because I am not at work for a couple of days, the little innocent prince has made a confession to the police. This confession, being that he is 13 would be required to be given infront of a family member or at the very least an advocate for the child. So any future claims that he was beaten into a confession are bogus. What did little angel confess to? Carrying the weapon, shooting out windows at a nearby school and running from the police.

Again Chicago Slum Times I ask you, if dumb ole me can uncover these types of things and print them on a blog where are your crack reporters? Where is your papers huge retraction, you know just as big as the story you ran with hailing junior as an upstanding citizen ready to cure cancer?

What? No retraction? Oh I get it, admitting you are wrong makes you lose credibility and doesn't help sell your papers...

1 comment:

  1. An A or even a B student should know not to present a weapon. His parents could have brought him up to stay away from guns.
